They are directed by higher military authorities. The ROE are based on political considerations, the threat, and the tactical situation. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT/RULES OF CONFRONTATION In addition, as forces react to a situation, the on-site infantry company commander (or even platoon leader) could be in charge of several different organizations that include senior officers. However, there are situations in which the CO could find himself receiving directives from the theater commander, CINC, or even the president. The command relationship normally follows the guidelines of standard levels of command. The following are considerations peculiar to a LIC environment. The infantry company commander must understand this environment and plan for rapid changes in mission. Due to unstable systems, the US forces deployed into these areas are subject to rapid and drastic changes in missions and situations. Each developing nation is unique each has it own history, culture, goals, and problems. In addition, LIC is most likely to develop in a nation with social, political, economic, and psychological factors that contribute to political instability. Units must have the ability to operate in any terrain and climate, be it jungle, mountain, desert, swamp, or arctic tundra. Low intensity conflict can occur in any part of the world. See FM 100-37 for terrorism counteraction. The CO must take the appropriate actions to protect his unit from acts of terrorism. In any tactical environment, a terrorist attack is possible. The infantry company combats terrorism through the integration of higher headquarters physical security, crime prevention, and OPSEC programs.ī. Combatting terrorism involves coordinated action before, during, and after terrorist incidents.Ī.

The aim of combatting terrorism is to protect installations, units, and individuals. Some PCOs an infantry company may support or take part in are as follows: Infantry companies will usually be a part of a larger task force however, an infantry company could be the only maneuver force in country in some PCOs.ī. They are employed as joint, combined, or both. The forces employed are tailored to the situation. PCOs are politically sensitive military operations normally characterized by a rapid deployment of forces in response to a specific problem.Ī. Receiving and transferring POWs and KIAs.Preventing or dispersing prohibited demonstrations.As part of a PKO, an infantry company can expect to perform the following missions: If employed, the US force will probably be a battalion-sized task force or larger.ī. The UN normally employs international peacekeeping forces composed of non-aligned nations who can be neutral. The US has very seldom committed forces in a peacekeeping role. The US may take part in PKOs under the control of an international organization, in cooperation with other countries, or independently.Ī. These PKOs are military operations conducted with the consent of the belligerent parties to maintain a negotiated truce and to facilitate a diplomatic resolution. Security of US/host nation facilities and equipment.Advising and training host nation forces.Possible missions for infantry companies include: The infantry company will usually be involved only in counterinsurgency operations.ī. Within this category, US interest may lie with an incumbent government or with an insurgent. In counterinsurgency, the objective is to counter the revolution.Ī. The primary objective in an insurgency is to gain support for a revolution. SUPPORT FOR INSURGENCY AND COUNTERINSURGENCY It also identifies the types of operations and missions the infantryman can be given in each category. The roles within each category often overlap. Military operations in LIC fall under four operational categories. This appendix discusses the categories of LIC and possible missions in each category an environmental overview conducting roadblocks, checkpoints, and searches and special considerations including working with SOF when conducting LIC operations. APPENDIX A LOW INTENSITY CONFLICT The possibility of US forces becoming involved in a low intensity conflict is ever increasing.